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Objective Proficiency Student Book with Answers Downloadable Software


■外国語教材 種別:グッズ Student Book 商品説明:Objective Proficiency second edition has been fully updated for the revised exam. Its twenty short units provide a wide range of challenging topics and lively stimulating exam preparation. Equally the material presents interesting and motivating material for those studying English at C2-level for career or general purposes. The course covers all parts of the Proficiency exam in detail providing information advice and practice to ensure that students are fully prepared for every aspect of the exam. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus Objective Proficiency includes examples and exercises which tackle typical Proficiency problem areas making it the most authoritative Proficiency preparation course available. The accompanying software is downloadable from the website. NB. Mac users must install Adobe Air and up-to-date Java software before installation.・Objective Proficienc JAN:9781107646377 登録日:2021/08/19 関連グッズ洋書(外国語教材)


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